Blue Light Glasses

Comprehensive Blue Light Glasses Eye Test

Our optometrists can fit you with a specialised pair of blue light glasses. Through a comprehensive eye test, we can design a set of blue light lenses suited to your eyes, in order to provide the best possible eye protection. We can even create lenses in your prescription with added blue light protection. Visit us in-store today to check out our range of blue light glasses.

blue light glasses

At Eye Philosophy, we have a variety of specially coated lenses using the latest technology to block out harmful blue light to help you sleep better and reduce eye strain. We carry the most advanced coated lenses designed with filters to cut out harmful blue light, whilst still allowing a good portion of blue light to pass through.

Why Get Blue Light Glasses

Exposure to blue light can cause eyestrain, headaches, physical and mental fatigue caused by many hours sitting in front of a computer screen or other electronic device. Our eyes’ natural filters do not provide sufficient protection against light rays from the sun, let alone the light emanating from electronic devices or fluorescent-light tubes. Prolonged exposure to blue light may cause retinal damage and contribute to age-related macular degeneration, which can lead to loss of vision.

Chronic exposure to blue light at night can lower the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep, and disrupt your circadian rhythm.

In this day and age, we are constantly exposed to blue light from our mobile phones, tablets, television screens, and computers. Prolonged exposure can be lead to a number of negative health effects. Combat the harmful effects of blue light today!

What is Blue Light?

Blue light is a colour in the visible light spectrum that can be seen by the human eye. Blue light has a very short wavelength and produces a higher amount of energy. Studies suggest that over time, exposure to the blue end of the light spectrum could cause serious long-term damage to your eyes. Sources of blue light include the sun, digital screens (TVs, computers, laptops, smartphones and tablets), electronic devices, and fluorescent and LED lighting.

Will Blue Light Damage Your Eyes?

Blue light isn’t harmful in small, natural doses. In fact, the blue light our eyes receive from the sun is used to regulate sleep cycles and maintain your health. However, as people use computers more and are generally exposed to more blue light, this balance gets upturned, and can potentially cause damage to your eyes and your health. According to the most recent studies, sustained and extreme exposure may cause damage. Thankfully this can be remedied with blue light glasses

contact lenses melbourne
Get Blue Light Glasses Today

If you work on a computer all day, or in an office with primarily artificial light, wearing blue light glasses may alleviate eye strain, and prevent eye damage, headaches and fatigue. If you have ongoing symptoms, talk to our optometrists today for a comprehensive eye test.